Air Compressors Descaling Jobwork Services, Chemical Cleaning Services

As a leading Turnkey Contractor; we do Jobwork Services / Turnkey Contracts for Descaling (Chemical Cleaning) of Air Compressors, Industrial Boilers, Heat Exchangers, Oil Coolers, Condensers, Arc Furnaces, Continuous Casting Machines, Industrial Pipelines, Cement Plant Pipelines, Reaction Vessels, Industrial Coils, Injection Moulding Machines, etc. Our setup is situated at Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Descaling Jobs

•  Descaling Jobwork Services
•  Chemical Cleaning
•  Chemical Cleaning of Heat Exchangers
•  Descaling of Injection Moulds
•  Descaling of Pipelines
•  Descaling DG Sets (Diesel Generator Sets / Diesel Gensets / Diesel Engines)
•  Descaling of Equipments
•  Descaling of Machines
•  Chemical Cleaning of Equipments
•  Chemical Cleaning of Machines
•  Corrosion Remover
•  Corrosion Descaling
•  Descaling Solutions
•  Descaling Contractors
•  Pickling of MS (Mild Steel)
•  Pickling of SS (Stainless Steel)

•  Pipeline Passivation Jobwork Services
•  Pipeline Descaling
•  Descaling of Water Cooled Condensers
•  Cement Plant Pipelines Descaling
•  Process Plant Pipelines Descaling
•  Descaling of Condensers
•  Descaling of Solar Water Heaters
•  Descaling of Chillers
•  Descaling of Water Pipes
•  Descaling of Reaction Vessels
•  Descaling Heating Systems
•  Descaling Heating Elements
•  Descaling of ARC Furnaces
•  Furnace Coil Cleaning
•  ARC Furnace Coil Cleaning

Turnkey Contracts For Descaling Of Air Compressors

We undertake turnkey contracts for descaling of Air Compressors, Boilers, Heat Exchangers, Condensers, Arc Furnaces, Continuous Casting Machines, Cement Plant Pipelines, Reaction Vessels, Coils, Injection Moulding Machines, etc. We have qualified & experienced technical staff for execution of the job. Our products have been specially developed to remove any type of ‘Hard Scale or Soft Scale’. Also we have developed passivation chemicals to be used along-with our descaling chemicals to passivate the pipelines & form a thin film coating from inside the pipelines. We have executed similar jobs for the following industries.

Bagalkot Udyog Ltd. Amforge Ltd. Atul Iffco Ltd.
Birla Cement Works Aqua Bearing Ring Gear Ltd. Atul Products Ltd.
Cement Corpn. India Ltd. B.C.L. Forgings Ltd. Bayer India Ltd.
Dimond Cement Crompton Greaves Ltd. Century Rayon
J.K.Cement Works Essar Steels Ltd. Cipla Ltd.
J.K.White Cement Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. Colour Chem Ltd.
Jaipur Udyog Ltd. Ispat Profiles (I) Ltd. Garware Paints Ltd.
L & T Cement Jindal Streeps Ltd. Garware Plastics Ltd.
Narmada Cement Co. Ltd. Sipta Coated Steels Ltd. Hindustan Insectisides
Orient Cement Skol Breweries Ltd. Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd.
Rajashree Cement Special Steels Ltd. Hindustan Zinc Ltd.
Raymond Cement Sterlite Inds. Ltd. National Peroxide Ltd.
Satna Cement Works V.I.P. Industries Ltd. Nocil
Shree Cement Vindhya Telilinks Ltd. Sudarshan Chemicals Ltd.