"NEUTRAFLOW" is a liquid preparation with an Alkali base. The Neutraflow treatment has the effect of swallowing up the scales through hydrolysis of the scale components. The initial result of Neutraflow helps the subsequent "SCALECLEAN-A" or "SCALEFLOW" treatment to become faster & proper. The sticky substances like oil, grease etc. are removed with the use of this at the initial stage.
The final stage of descaling procedure does not complete without neutralizing the equipment. Here again Neutraflow play its vital role. Use of Neutraflow at this stage makes the equipment neutral with no acid reactions inside the equipment at the time of first use after the descaling procedure & prevents further corrosion of the parent metal.
Neutralizing chemicals are substances used to counteract or neutralize acidic or alkaline conditions in a given environment, often to restore balance or to make a chemical reaction safer. They are widely used in various industries, including water treatment, chemical manufacturing, and industrial cleaning processes. By adding a neutralizing agent, the pH of the system is adjusted to a safer, more manageable level, which can prevent corrosion, contamination, or unwanted reactions. In many cases, the chemicals used are selected based on the specific needs of the environment, whether it's dealing with acidic wastewater or neutralizing a basic chemical spill. The correct use of neutralizing agents ensures that systems remain operational, safe, and efficient. Additionally, these chemicals help improve the longevity of equipment, preventing damage caused by extreme pH levels. In industrial applications, neutralizing chemicals are also essential for controlling byproducts from chemical reactions that could be harmful if not properly neutralized. In water treatment facilities, they help maintain the water quality to meet regulatory standards. Furthermore, neutralization can also be crucial in mitigating hazardous situations, such as spills of concentrated acids or bases, ensuring that they don't pose a danger to personnel or the environment. Understanding the proper dosage and type of neutralizing chemical to use is key to achieving the desired outcome without causing further imbalances or risks.